
The Obolus Press

The Obolus Press publishes books about European art and history

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Help fund the translation of books about French and German artists from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Not tax deductible.

If you would like to give $2 a month, just ignore the message on the payment page that says "not recommended, high fee percentage" — I am grateful to receive any amount!

My name is Andrew Rickard. I am a translator and used to be an in-house book editor. I started The Obolus Press to share the works of lesser-known European artists and authors, and it is going well; my translation of Hans Ostwald’s history of the Weimar hyperinflation was favourably reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement last year.

Mainstream publishers are not interested in the books I translate because they are unfashionable and unprofitable. Monographs about neglected European painters and obscure memoirs from the 19th and early 20th centuries are unlikely to even qualify for, never mind win, the government grants that fund so many literary projects today. The Obolus Press, however, was founded on a different model.

I use my blog to post excerpts from my translations and the occasional article. In that quiet grove you will hear no mention of current events or politics. If you crave that sort of thing, you are well served elsewhere.

You can learn more about me here, read about the origin of the press here, and find contact details here.


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