FediScience e.V.
FediScience e.V.
Support the hosting of fediscience.org
By donating you support the running cost of fediscience.org. Running costs are the server rent, mail provider and backup disk space. Fediscience.org is not profit driven and will remain this way.
For any particular questions about this, please contact @<FrankSonntag@fedisciene.org>
Thank you for your support!
Imprint: FediScience e.V. Bahnhofstraße 22 85354 Freising
Bidragsgivare Exportera som CSV
fediscience har 2 offentliga bidragsgivande.
1,00 US$/vecka
Donerare Exportera som CSV
fediscience donerar offentligt till 1 skapare.
1,00 €/vecka
fediscience gick med för 2 år sedan.