
Aditya R

Making the world a better place, one app a time.

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🔭 I’m currently pursuing my Master's degree in Computer Science at Purdue University 🌱 I’m currently learning Crypto and Network Security, Heuristic Problem Solving and Database Systems. 🤔 I’m looking for help with UI/UX 💬 Ask me about Flutter, Arduino and Web Development (React, Html and CSS) 📫 How to reach me: <adeeteya@gmail.com> 😄 Pronouns: he/him

Länkade konton

adeeteya äger följande konton på andra platformar:


DigitalCalculator Stjärnor 21 Uppdaterad för 3 månader sedan

A neumorphic themed digital calculator which has keyboard support (external bluetooth keyboard) and a few useful shortcuts for quick and easy access. It also has a dedicated dark theme (set based on system theme) for better accessibility. It is also supported by devices with the floating window feature and it also has a landscape mode.

FlutterMarkdownEditor Stjärnor 136 Uppdaterad för 3 månader sedan

Markdown Editor app allows easy markdown file creation and editing. It opens ".md" files directly from explorer, provides text styling options, effortless link addition, Light and Dark Theme Modes, Multiple View Modes. Developed using Flutter, it's mainly intended for mobile devices as there are no standalone markdown editors presently available.

FlutterFurnitureApp Stjärnor 88 Uppdaterad för 3 månader sedan

A fully functional Furniture App Clone made using Flutter, Supabase and Getx State Management.

FontGallery Stjärnor 35 Uppdaterad för 3 månader sedan

An App to display how different fonts families and their variations look. Developed using Flutter.

Random-Face-Generator Stjärnor 136 Uppdaterad för 1 år sedan

A Cross-Platform(Web, Android, iOS, Linux and Macos) app to Generate Faces of People (These people don't actually exist) made using Flutter.


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