

A hub of EVE Online community.

New-Eden-Social har 0 bidragsgivare.


Project was started with an idea of creating social platform for players of EVE Online. A place where players could connect and share their experiences, fan art, images, videos, thoughts, propaganda...

Each "user" would be an actual EVE Online character and you could only login using game's credentials (SSO), this way characters could interact outside of eve online. Alliances and corporations could share propaganda videos/art and gather followers who could re-share and spread the word.

Whole platform would heavily relay on EVE Online API, so that you could send in game emails, money, create events (calendar). It would feel as an extension of game itself.

Think of it as combination of r/eve and twitter. A hub of EVE Online community.


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new-eden-social Stjärnor 148 Uppdaterad för 4 år sedan

🌌 New Eden Social 🚀


New-Eden-Social gick med för 5 år sedan.

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