

Support the Packaging and Updating of Apps in F-Droid

F-Droid-Data mottar 340,27 € per vecka från 716 bidragsgivare.
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What we do:

  • Keeping apps in F-Droid up-to-date
    • Fixing build failures
    • Checking for proprietary libraries
    • Disabling tracking features
  • Packaging new apps requested in https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp
  • Communicating with upstream software authors to make it possible to publish apps in F-Droid

All apps in F-Droid are completely built from source. That means there is complete transparency what goes into an apk published on https://f-droid.org. It also means that it's often a lot more difficult for us to keep up with changing dependencies, etc. such that some apps require constant attention for every update. (i.e. Firefox/Fennec, VLC, OsmAnd, ... ).

Additionally the Android ecosystem is moving quite fast. This means that build tools like gradle are in constant change, so our build recipes need constant changes as well.


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F-Droid-Data gick med för 7 år sedan.

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